Monday, April 30, 2012

Golden Girls

I always seem to refer my personal style as mormon and homeless chic. Yesterday my sister added a keeper to the list, Dorothy from Golden Girls. I wouldn't believe it at first. It was only when I envisioned my face in her body that I realised this relation could work while she rocked her drappy shirts and jackets, long sleeve sweaters, tailored pants and did I forget to mention, she loves to layer. You call this coincidence, I call this kindred spirits.  

Sweater- thrifted mint green angora sweater; collared shirt- thrifted; lace skirt- thrifted; orange red socks- winners; black and white oxfords- thrifted

Friday, April 27, 2012

Clumsy Clara

Ding dong the witch is dead, the witch old witch, the wicked witch! Okay. I kind of made up the last bit but I don't care cause school's out for summer. YEE HAW! This summer I plan to dedicate my time to writing and making the that being said, will you hire me? Step 1: Workopolis here I come. Since i'm fresh off the loony boat and have zero energy, I'll tell you a little story. A few days back while I was still intensively studying for exams, I managed to sneak in a little break away from the books so strolling I went! With my mind a little loopy from the lack of sleep and cramming of course material, my head wasn't screwed on right. So on this one extremely humid day amongst all of the cold weather we've been having, I felt the need to wear swede pants. Good one Didi.

Sweater- Valentino; Pants- Danier; Shoes- thrifted le chateau; Purse-Grandma's; Bib necklace- Forever 21

Monday, April 23, 2012

Rip the jean

I suggest making these. I mean why spent a few hundred dollars on ripped clothing when you have a perfectly capable pair of scissors at home. Get working!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Back in black

Hello to all. Just letting you know I will continue to live the hermit lifestyle until Wednesday. Throughout the past week of anxiety and solitude, I notice I've grasped new some unusual habits. For one, talking to myself on the subway while punching in numbers on my calculator. The list goes on. All this funny business leads you to the origins of my voyage to the nearby church where I was determined to regain some sanity, if I've ever had any to begin with. While walking up the church steps to the entrance, I felt a sudden rejection once they wouldn't let me pass into the holy grounds. Whether it being my Keanu in Matrix / Himalayan monk inspired outfit or just maybe the church happened to be closed that time of day, I still managed to turn my frown upside down.

I think I'll be just fine.

What I wore: black dress-thrifted; skirt-thrifted; leather pants- thrifted; boots- Robert Clergerie

Monday, April 16, 2012

Trapped in a box!

With the ressurection of flowers and chirping of little bird creatures comes the deadliest time of year for university students where 4 month long course context is crammed into a full 24 hours. I think we all know them as final exams. Camping out in libraries while taking hourly hits of coffee and redbull are a given. We've all been through these weeks of death, some already completed their time while some are still fighting the fight. Just remember you aren't alone. Trust me. So for the next 2 weeks or so, I'll be doing very little blogging, though I will occassionally pop up to say hello. HELLO!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Flats are wack!!!

I know some shoe trends have come and gone, for example uggs and thong slippers may they rest in piece but the one shoe style that is eternally stuck with the universe are flats; a.k.a- sneakers, loafers, two toned toe capped flats etc etc. Here are some of my personal favorite via Shoe Accessories Fall 2012
3.1 Philip Lim
Alexander Wang
Chelsea Paris
LD Turtle

Saving the best for last as always I give you Maison Martin Margiela; The mirrored sneakers!

Have a happy easter!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The palazzo

The outfit is pure divine! While looking classy and chic in the all yellow top ensemble, the bottom portion of the outfit (palazzo pants and givenchy heels) is what took the overall outfit to a whole other level. The palazzo pants has the general essence of a being a classic pair of pants, though it rebels and swerves into the dirty little chimney sweeper boy minus the dirty category. A balance that fits perfectly swell if you ask me.
