Saturday, July 30, 2011

Retro Etro!

The fall '11 Etro fashion in Milan (courtesy of warmed my heart when unwanted colors and prints from the 70's appeared in garment after garment. After watching the show and cleaning the drool off my face, I was ready to share my loooooooooooove for this show with the blogging world.

Soooooooooooo there was a total of 46 pieces, but with great difficulty I have chosen the lucky number 6 outfits that I'd wear down the streets of Toronto while receiving disturbing and questionable stares from those around me.


1. Sheep skin sleeves and traditional European embroidery = baaaaaaaaaaeautiful
2. Always need to have a cross between a renaissance entertainer and clown. Not to forget the oversized printed metallic jacket. Need I say more?

3.Three words: silvery metallic oversized trousers...okay maybe four

4.Monkey armed fur jacket is always a good investment, especially pour moi

5.Why not make a maze game out of the matching jacket and suit pants?

6. OLAY! All bullfighters should be legally obligated to wear this...EVERYTIME!

The end!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hello World

Hurray hurray!! The Didi a la mode train is getting ready to board so if you can please kindly purchase your boarding passes at the ticket booth, the mode train of Didi's fashion world will be departing shortly. I've been yearning to start a blog for sometime now, and it took months to pluck up the courage to make an account to show the cyber world what Didi a la mode is all about. A little fair warning, my style is a cross between a chic mormon and a 1950's housewife, but overall I wear attire that 'dizzies the man's eye' so the Man Repeller would say.
Sooooooo brace yourself people, Didi a la mode is on board and ready to hit the fashion rails. BOOOP BOOOP!