In the meantime I would love to share a few photos I took a while back. Way back. Back into time. Very vague no? If I were a general reader like yourself, by now I'd wonder how old is she talking? my bald self at 9 months? or maybe my chubby 10 yr old self with tight corn roll and a b-ball jersey? Sadly, both happen to be true. My ability to take clear pictures let alone attend a real runway show unfortunately are not. Tough break.
Here's what you've been waiting for; my pictures are not too old or embarrassing for that matter. They were snapped last month when snow storms were merely a thought. With every outfit comes some sort of inspiration, that being on the runway or seen on the street, and today or more accurately last month Dries Van Noten played a large part in the outfit. Their spring 2013 collection was one of the few notable show that just stuck with you. For their print clashing, fuchsia lips and Japanese kimonos I say wow. It just works.
It's without question that my kimono isn't the "real deal" but then again Dries Van Noten didn't invent the Kimono. Really. All they simply did was embellish their silky flowing robes with vibrant floral embroidery and colours. That simple. So blatantly simple. Uhhhggggghhh.. Real or not, I want one of theirs. What are they waiting for? Give me one already. Until then mine will do.
Until next time,
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