Thursday, July 25, 2013

The vacation s(c)andal

Some of you may or may not recall the chunky rubber sandals parents use to force upon their children all throughout the 90's. As it is difficult to block out these sort of impacts in ones childhood, I will assume 50% of you have completely mentally erased the existence of the sandal whereas the remaining 50% happily ponder on how cool the sandal's green and blue jelly use to swirl with every step. Though it is understandable to have built up hatred for these sandals as you vaguely recall consistently tripping over your own two feet when travelling at a relatively fast pace. I would suggest you to look past the pain and observe the simple entity of the sandal, then you will without question fall into the latter scenario as oppose to the former. On a personal note I admire the vacation sandal that easily permits fresh air to unavoidably stinky and sweaty feet. But don't thongs, gladiators or flip flops execute the exact same desire, a nice breeze for your little piglets? The vacation sandal beats all other exposed sandals in terms of sophistication, sturdiness, class and edge.

While observing current and previous seasons in menswear and femmewear, it is blatantly obvious all of the top designers are modifying the vacation sandal as they see fit, and of course these converted sandals have a modified retail price as well. They have the right idea though, it wouldn't be the House of Givenchy or Celine if they charged a simple $300 for a pair of plastic, leather, rubber, what have you. Draining rich suckers an even $1000 is more realistic for the elite name brands. Do not get your hopes up because there are more realistically priced vacation sandals out there. I for one found a pair at Chocoloate Shoes on Queen St last year right before winter. No, it wasn't the smartest decision to buy sandals literally right before a downpour of snow but this summer I'm glad to have purchased my white and neon rope sandals as I wear these bad boys almost everyday. Yeah. I sometimes trip, almost once in every outing and I agree, I do look like a vacation gone wrong.

I guess I'm just trying to open your eyes and have you observe the beauty I see in these sandals. As some of you will gasp and probably never click on the yet another didialamode brought to you by Facebook, vacation sandals are the new sneakers. Sorry. Don't get me wrong, sneakers will always have a chunk of my heart though it is just temporarily rented out by none other than these ultra hip vacation sandals. It's just a phase I guess, or not. Prepare to see me in sandals this winter.

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