As you may be aware, the goodness of spring is gradually approaching as we leave the month of February. And you all know what that means. It's time to bust out the big guns; winter jackets, wooly sweaters, eskimo hats, snow pants. Bring it all out. You might as well get your moneys worth of winter purchases as it is only natural to open your winter clothing container the following year to ponder upon one single thing, what was I thinking last year? It's sad but true. Them's the breaks. Let me leave you with a small lesson of the day: Cherish your clothing as if they were your children. Because before you know it they'll grow from you, then all you can really do is give them away. Your clothes. And your children? Have a wonderful tuesday.
Hat- Big it up
Sweater- T by Alexander Wang
Pants- Elizabeth & James
Wrap around waist- Opening Ceremony
Boots- Rag& Bones
Bag- Celine
Until next time,
Eshu! Eskimo Nose Tap.