Now. A major downside with modern day fashion are the fair shares of redundancies and deja-vus. Out there are many variations of the same thing. We've all seen it. And I'm not solely referring to runway trends hitting mainstream stores like Zara. This also includes runway to runway. I swear i've seen the bright pink suede Phillip Lim overalls at Isabel Marant. Or Vice versa? Essentially it's difficult to pin point something "brand new" or completely original. Though once you find something you know you've never seen before you treat it like a pot of gold. Not the chocolate. Pirate gold. Par exemple, one day I was surfing the inter web when I discovered the brand Ellery. Whilst skimming through their lookbook I begin to hyperventilate and hallucinate and shout "I've found it I've found it!" I've found only the greatest thing to mankind, the evolution of homeless chic. Now that is something that's right up my alley.
This level of homeless chic stumps perfectly long legs and leaves behind frayed fabric on garments. I know I say this too often but I actually mean it this time. "It's like looking into a mirror". Only this once I'm not using any clever shortening illusions like silky flared leg warmers. Seriously world, it's about time for something new.
You see this. This right here. This is a revolutionary trend where every pair of feet are treated equally. It doesn't matter if you are in $1000 Louboutin or sneakers you found in the dumpster (Kidding. I mean random front lawn...that's worse.) because above it all, all you really see are a stupendous pair of fancy bags around your legs. I beg of you, please do try this at home.
Until next time,