Saturday, August 25, 2012

Last Summer Touch

Have you ever wondered why the summer air is a little less suffocating each day? What a good question Didi. Any answers? Me me me; maybe summer is coming to a halt. A dead end. HAZZAH! I'm a Fall girl what can I say? Everybody will oppose me when I say I despise summer. Pretty strong no? So let's spin this around. As I mourn for your loss, I decide to sprinkle you all with a little summer fairy dust. Better? In all seriousness, look at this as an opportunity to pick up some last minute item ideas you can sneak into the very last few weeks of summer or even bring some of these items to the dark side, Fall. Who follows fashion trends anymore anyways? Add a little plaid to the wardrobe, maybe a flaming race car imprinted leather Prada skirt. Go wild like the new and improved Sandy from Grease since I have no doubt in my mind the backdrop for this shoot was taken where Danny and the scarred face guy had their zoom zoom race. Look it up.

Oh I also just want to let you know, I was at boot  survey camp for 12 days or so (reason for being MIA) but I'm back; Didi a la mode new and improved.

You forgot your pants lady!
I think, I think your car might be in flames. 

Photos: Newslicious

Until Next time,
